Kiwanis Family House


thank you

to our 2023 Sponsor Clubs!

KFH Donors - 2019 - 2020

How YOU can support our healing families:

Support our Families

Not everyone who arrives on our doorstep has the ability to pay, yet we will always provide for them the healing space they need. Consider a $50 donation so we can continue our service one night at a time.

Support our House

For a donation of $100, you can have a personally engraved red brick placed in our patio or walkway. This is a great opportunity to show our guests that the community is supporting this wonderful mission.

Make a one time donation

All of your donations are welcome and appreciated in support of our mission.

Donate by Mail

Please send your contribution to the following address:

Kiwanis Family House
2875 50th Street
Sacramento, CA 95817

If you have questions, please contact Paula Kelley directly at (916) 736-0116 or email

GIVE us Stuff